It started way too early in the morning. It was day of all days. I rolled out of bed…it was a gloomy day so waking up was a challenge. I walked out of my room into a house that was not straightened up the night before. I proceeded to walk to the restroom where, lets be real, a week of use was showing its love. I then decided to get dressed and to my surprise, I had no clean underwear. I threw in the towel and the kids weren’t even up yet. This was the day I QUIT.
I had just read, a few days before, an open letter to the, “Mom who wanted to quit.” It encouraged me to not quit and to push through. Well I took that to heart but God challenged me to look differently on that very subject.
I was trying to do it all. I was no longer a mom….I was a maid. I wasn’t enjoying life anymore; our homeschool was lifeless. My cape was torn. So………. I QUIT. I quit trying to be something I wasn’t. God challenged me to look at my life again and be who he called me to be.
I QUIT being a maid, and created a chore chart. One that included me so I would not kill myself doing it all. It helped me regain some freedom at night to snuggle with my kiddos before bed.
I QUIT being unorganized. This one was tough to let go of! I am a freebird by nature. I love to just see what the day had to offer and ride the adventure. Then came the day I had no underwear! So as much as I hate to have a plan, it works! I plan my next week on Sunday night. I pick out my clothes the night before. I plan meals in advance. I realize life happens and it seems to happen a lot in our house! We just ride the adventure and keep to the routine….not schedule! I will post more about that later.
I QUIT trying to do it on my own! Every feel that it doesn’t matter what you do….you are never satisfied? Our God is a jealous God and he created the soul to need him. Only He can fill that emptiness. Only he can calm the storm within us. So, I started to trust him. To not trying to do it all. To start my day with him. To prepare in advance. To rely on him when things are getting hard. To start enjoying the hugs. To start asking for help. To be a mom again. To be the teacher God called me to be for my kids. To be the me…..He called me to be.