I did it! I sat down with coffee in hand. I sat and planned my school for weeks! I had it written down. I had it perfected. I was proud and nothing could rock my homeschool. I was on top of the world….until… School started. Day 1….great…day 2……well life happened. The phone rang (and I don’t normally answer this during school time), the UPS man showed up, dinner blew up…..life happened. Then the next day we had a dentist appointment, which I had actually planned for, however due to the happening of Day 2, we were already behind. Then the guilt and doubt sets in. This is when I learned Routine vs Schedule! Lifesaver…game changer! What is the difference… View Post
The Day I Quit
It started way too early in the morning. It was day of all days. I rolled out of bed…it was a gloomy day so waking up was a challenge. I walked out of my room into a house that was not straightened up the night before. I proceeded to walk to the restroom where, lets be real, a week of use was showing its love. I then decided to get dressed and to my surprise, I had no clean underwear. I threw in the towel and the kids weren’t even up yet. This was the day I QUIT. I had just read, a few days before, an open letter to the, “Mom who wanted to quit.” It encouraged me to… View Post
Happy Veterans Day
For all those who fought or are fighting to keep my family free, The Park Family thanks you for all that you do.